Sweet Potatoes & Slivovice
Yes, I forced my holiday on the locals. Do I regret it, I regret nothing but my liver sure does. So about a month ago Tyna asked me if we were going to celebrate Thanksgiving. She asked in a tone that was more of "Are we actually going to do this?" and I offhandedly said, "Yeah why not". Not thinking anything of it I continued my day thinking that a nice small meal between maybe Tyna, her parents and myself was in order. So Thanksgiving is about 2 weeks out and Tyna walks up and says "Everyone is so excited for Thanksgiving!!!!!"..... Wait, what....... Turns out if you don't already know this... Czech families are thicker than the hair on a dog's back. When one of them knows something, you can expect within 24 hours the entire family knows. They also get together all the time. If there is a reason for the family to be together, they are. So when Americans think of Thanksgiving: long-lost relatives we only see once a year coming to town ...